Ra.One is currently India's most expensive film to date and will be released in both 2D and 3D formats across 3,200 screens in India, along with its dubbed versions in Tamil, Telugu and German. What has been a well guarded secret for over two years would finally come out in open. Arjun Rampal, who plays the title role of RA.ONE, would be unmasked around Dussehra."This would be pretty much akin to the mythological tale of Ram and Raavan where Dussehra and Diwali held immense significance," says a source attached to the film, "While Shahrukh Khan would be stepping out in the form of Ram as 'G.One'(jeevan), Arjun would be his nemesis Raavan as 'Ra.One'. "Ra.One is the modern, new age technology version of our mythological "Raavan", who was a mixture of ten different evil characters On essaying the role of G.One or better say "Jeevan", a superhero who saves the mankind from Ra.One's torment. Through this film, I want to prove that Indian superheroes can also be as cool as the international ones." Superstar Rajinikanth's fans who have been praying consistently for his recovery won't have to wait too long to see him on big screen as 'Ra.One' releases this Diwali on October 26. His last release was last years blockbuster hit 'Robot'.SRK who is seen fighting a gang of villains faces another threat from a gang armed with deadly weapons. At this critical point, Rajini makes an entry in trademark 'Rajini Style' in a car. The super powered vehicle immediately sucks up all the weapons from the villains prompting SRK to ask Kareena Kapoor, who that man in the car was. That's when Rajinikanth steps out and delivers a super- hit dialogue from the film 'Bhasha'.
Russian president Dmitry Medvedev in Ra One Set |
Shahrukh Khan as G.One/Shekhar Subramanium
Kareena Kapoor as Sonia Shekhar Subramanium
Arjun Rampal as Ra.One
Armaan Verma as Prateek Subramanium a.k.a. Lucifer
Shahana Goswami as Jenny Nayar
Satish Shah as Iyer
Dalip Tahil as Barron
Tom Wu as Akashi
Suresh Menon
Rajinikanth as Chitti (Cameo)
Sanjay Dutt as Khalnayak (Cameo)
Priyanka Chopra as The Damsel in Distress (Cameo)